Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Brezoi-Novaci-Transalpina-Obarsia Lotrului-Strategica-Brezoi

Mi-a fost frică. Am vazut ce prăpăd a fost în judeţele din sudul României.
Joi înca mai ploua iar vineri dimineaţă (01.08.2014) am pornit la drum din Sfântu Gheorghe.
În fond, tura era planificată, prognozele meteo era bunicele, aveam încredere oarbă în Doruk, veteranul cunoscut al concursurilor de MTB, iar Cisi, celălalt prieten, era şi el un partener de nădejde.   
Prima zi ne-am propus să parcurgem ruta Brezoi, Cheile Latoritei, Cabana Petrimanu, Cheile Oltetului, Polovragi, Novaci.
  Era o vreme deosebit de caldă. Între Brezoi şi Mălaia ne minunam de puterea Lotrului, care a distrus gospodăriile oamenilor.  

Până la Ciungetu era OK aproape totul. Drumul era cât de cât practicabil.
Adevărata călătorie a început când am intrat în Cheile Latoriţei. 

Mormane de bolovani de câteva etaje. 

 Drumuri rupte de ape. 

Pur şi simplu trebuia să traversăm totul. 

Erau cascade peste tot, chiar şi acolo unde în mod normal nu trebuiau să fie. După câteva episoade de trecere prin apă, am început să-i urăm.

În drumul nostru spre Cabana Petrimanu ne întâlneam cu maşini blocate, şi ne minunam de inconştienţa oamenilor care aşteptau ca cineva să debloceze drumul. Cel mai deştept era un grup de olandezi, care pur şi simplu a lăsat maşinile de teren 4X4 şi a plecat acasă. Chiar dacă s-ar găsi bani, e foarte mult de lucru care necesită mult timp, 2-3 luni poate.
 La Cabana Petrimanu eram numai noi şi gazda. A întrebat de starea drumului. Nu era îngrijorat. Avea provizii suficiente.
Urcarea pe Curmătura Olteţului a fost destul de greoaie datorită alunecărilor de teren. Un Taf nebunatic încerca să realizeze imposibilul, să refacă drumul spre Cheile Olteţului. Nu ştiau nici ei că după curmătură vor întâlni un dezastru şi mai mare.

La Polovragi eram foarte bucuroşi că am scăpat de acest traseu absolut demenţial, cu toate că mai aveam de mers o bună bucată de drum până la pensiunea noastră din Novaci.

A doua zi ne-am trezit puţin mai târziu. Am avut Transalpina, pe care foarte mulţi le cunoaşteţi.

Nu ne grăbeam. 
 Ne-am propus să mergem până la Obârşia Lotrului unde urma să înnoptăm într-o pensiune.   
Dimineaţa ne-am trezit devreme. Ne-am propus să parcurgem Strategica. 

Aşa că a trebuit să urcăm înapoi până la Şeaua Ştefanu, după care un off-road cât cuprinde.

Drumul era foarte frumos.

Însă, pe anumite porţiuni, mersul prin iarba deasă mi-a stors toate puterile.

Au fost şi nişte coborâri absolut demenţiale mai ales în ultima porţiune, pe Dealul Cireşului.
Înainte să ajungem la Brezoi am avut o pană. 
O tură întreagă ,,am păţit" numai atât. Biclele noastre au funcţionat perfect.

Totul a fost suuuper! 
Pentru detalii asupra turei întrebaţi-l pe nea Doruk.  

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mt. Bodoc from one end to another

This was for the first time for each participant. We started from Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy) at 6:00 am. It was a really early time for cicling, but we wanted to make the bigest part of the route in the morning. The first part of the route it was on-road. Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy)- Olteni (Oltszem) - Malnaş (Málnás)- Micfalău (Mikóújfalu)- Bixad (Bükszád)- Băile Balvanyos-Hotel Best Western . Totally 45 km.

Then we started to climb the mountain. We wanted to follow the tourist path, which cross the mountain. The first 4-5 km were really hard. It was a continuous push-bike. Not only because it was a very narrow and high ridge, but because I think nobody stepped there for years.

The path was full with branches, stones and fallen trees. And this was the highest part of the mountain! Each peak was over 1200 km high.

At this part of the route we had to take care of the water. The first spring we met only when we arrived to the first glade, when the mountain ridge become wider. It was a real blessing!
We left the annoying fly and mosquito legions in the forest. After a short rest we begin the pleasant and longer part of the off-road. Although the weather become very warm and the shepherd dogs many times attacked us (when we met the herd) this part of the route it was very fast.

The paths were dry,we could ran as fast as we wanted. At the peak of Mt.Bodoc we stopped to rest, then we go along the ridge untill we arriwed to Pădureni (Besenyő). Here we stopped for a while at the Pensiunea Bogdán (Bogdán Csárda. We drink some beers and juices. Then off we go again! Angheluş (Angyalos) - Ghidfalău (Gidófalva),then finally home. We did about 100 km. It was a good training for the Medias Medieval Marathon.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


There were about 690 bikers.

It seems that a lot of people like biking.

This is a really good number because our town is very small.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


On 15Th of May it was organized an Iron Man MTB competition at Oradea. The competitors had to do 275km off-road in 22 hours. The highest peak has got 1198m. There were 33 teams, and finished only 18 the competition!
Two sportsman, our friends, Jakab Tibor and Astilean Eduard were decided to take part in the competition in the name of hemophilia. They wanted to help us, and say to the ordinary people that with a good treatment, the hemophilia patients can do everything, even sports. The best example is Alex Dowset who trains and competes with Lance Armstrong's Trek-Livestrong team and he suffers from severe hemophilia!

Jakab Tibor and Astilean Eduard helped me before too. They were my trainers, offered me technical support and accompanied me during the trip, when I decided to do the campaign for hemophilia and go to Turkey.
Tibi and Edy finished the competition on the 4th position.
Thank you guys for your generous support!
You can read the interview with them:
About the competition:
in Romanian
in Hungarian

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Today we went for a longer ride with the guys on Mt. Baraolt. We were 6. Doruk and Jakabtibi were the leaders of the group. They choose the hardest route possible. We had mud, downhill, pushbike and a lot of creeks. During the trip we met some enduro guys, crazy like us, but nobody else.
We did about 42 km. It was good, it was OK, I enjoyed it!

Create your own video slideshow at

Monday, May 03, 2010

Mt. Bodoc

A little spring ride. We go up from Bodoc and go down at Padureni. We did about 50 km.

Create your own video slideshow at