Sunday, April 20, 2008


On 19th of April I went to Jimbor (Székelyzsombor) and back to Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy). I did 153 km in one day. Average speed 18 km/h, maximum speed 47 km/h. The picture, what you see on the blog, is the Homorod fortified church.
More photos on:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mt. Bodoc Again

This time I had better luck. It was a fine weather, windy, but who cares? Between the forest in the walleys you didn’t feel it! The only complaint it was the road. The blacktop to Bodoc (Bodok) was bad because the heavy traffic. And the road to the top of the mountain was in a bad shape too, due to the intensive forestry. I don’t advice you to go to the top from Bodoc even if you have a mountainbike! On my way to Bodoc I observed that somebody throws some keyboards on the margin of the road. It is sad that since we entered in EU we have not only quality in garbage, but quantity too! We throw them when and where we like!
This time I was alone because yesterday I was working until 02:15, and I couldn’t get up early in the morning.Tibi, Edy and the guys went to Siriu Lake, which is in the Buzău Valley. After all my day was beautiful, I made an excellent barbecue and I took beautiful photos. . I enjoyed every moment.
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The Surprise

Wednesday, 9th of April, it was a strange day. It was beautiful, but very windy. I was thinking that maybe I shall go to Sugas, It will be an easy trip, I shall do many photos because the forest is beautiful in Spring. Instead of this, on my way…..I met the guys! And we did more than 50 km in 2 hours! Our route was Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy)-Vâlcele (Előpatak)-Araci (Árapatak) –Bod (Bodfalu)-Hărman (Hermány)-Podu Olt-Ilieni (Illyefalva)-Sfântu Gheorghe. (Sepsiszentgyörgy). We stopped at Hărman (Hermány). There is a beautiful saxon fortified church. We did some photos. For me it was a good opportunity to rest a bit after such a run, but it was a real surprise for me, that this time our training wasn’t so fatiguink. I was tired but I didn’t felt stiff. You can see more photos on: